Time Commitment:
Tutors are expected to meet their student a minimum of once or twice
a week for an hour or two per session. Meeting less than once a week
does not provide enough time for students to improve their academic
skills. We are looking for at least a one-year commitment to
tutoring for our program.
Meeting Locations:
Tutors and students meet at a time and place convenient to both
parties. Some meet at local libraries or churches where a private room
is available for tutoring sessions. Remember, your adult student is
probably ashamed of his or her inability to read or do math well and
does not want others to find out they are being tutored. Literacy of
Northern New York does not want tutors and students meeting in each
other’s homes for safety and liability reasons.
Confidentiality Policy:
Literacy of Northern New York expects tutors to respect the
confidentiality of each student they work with. Tutors should not give
out personal information about students to others.
Reporting Hours:
Tutors will be contacted every month by the Literacy of Northern NY staff and asked how many hours they tutored their student and what areas they are working on. It is very important that we receive this information in a timely manner. We are required by our funders to track tutoring hours and student accomplishments. We also meet every three months with each tutor/learner pair to update the learning plan, recommend materials, update goals, etc.
Meeting Cancellations:
Tutors and students should exchange phone numbers at their first meeting and agree to contact each other if one can’t attend a tutoring session. Tutors should issue a warning to students who continually miss appointments. If missed appointments are a frequent problem or if your student drops out of the program, please contact the office in a timely fashion.
Tutor Support:
Tutors are encouraged to call the Literacy of Northern New York office at 782-4270 if they have any concerns or questions regarding
the tutoring process.
I have read the Tutor Responsibilities handout and I agree to abide by the conditions listed on it. I will keep track of my tutoring hours,
preparation time and travel time and report it on a timely basis to Literacy of Northern New York, Inc.
I also agree to fill out monthly progress reports on my student and
return this information to the LNNY office in a timely manner.
I have been informed of Literacy of Northern New York’s safety policy which requires tutors and students to meet in public places that provide privacy for my student.
I will also respect my student’s right to confidentiality.
Signature: ____________________________
Print your name: ___________________________
Date: _______________